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Looking back at 2022: These papers demonstrate the scientific research progress of the school

Date:2023-03-08 19:40 Read:Bout

In 2022, with the strong support of the leaders of the school and the college, and the joint efforts of the scientific researchers of the whole college, the scientific research work of the college focused on the creation of a science-education innovation complex, strengthened the characteristics of cultural and tourism integration, and realized high-quality development of scientific research work. Over the past year, our college has achieved fruitful results in the publication of high-level papers. The teachers of the college have published 22 papers in total, including 2 in top journals, 9 in excellent journals and 1 in core journal.

Top journals

The research result "Generational challenges of resident-destination bonding" by Lecturer Chen Zhe as the first author was accepted and published by the top journal of tourism management "Annals of Tourism Research". This research focuses on how the intergenerational challenges of connecting residents and destinations are formed, transformed and sustained in small-scale tourism communities. In this paper, a double-case qualitative research method is adopted, the field investigation to Raglan Town in the Waikato region of New Zealand and Qiaohe Town in Zhejiang Province was carried, and the local narratives of residents in 152 tourist destinations were collected and analyzed.

The research result of "Mitigating Mortality Anxiety: Identifying Heritage Tourism's Role in Terror Management" by Professor Lv Jiaying as the first author was accepted and published by the top journal of tourism management "Journal of Tourism Research". Although fear management theory has been extensively studied, few studies have empirically examined whether travel acts as a fear management mechanism. Therefore, this research examines the impact of death anxiety on heritage tourism preferences and heritage protection intentions through two studies.

Excellent journals

The three research results "The impact of restorative destination environments on tourist swell-being and environmentally responsible behavior: A Reasonable Person Model", " An Exploratory Qualitative Study of Visitors’ Cognitive Appraisals in a Meteorological Landscape Uncertainty Scenario" and "Innovation and Practice of Cultivating Digital Cultural Tourism Talents in the Context of New Liberal Arts" by Professor Qiu Hanqin as the first author were accepted and published by the excellent journals of tourism management "Tourism Management Perspectives", "Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research" and "Journal of Tourism", respectively. The research result "Determinants of tourists' intention to share travel experience on social media: an fsQCA application" by Professor Qiu as the corresponding author was accepted and published by the excellent journal of tourism management "Current Issues In Tourism".

Two research results "The effect of innovation on tourists' revisit intention toward tourism destinations" and "Big data in action: An overview of big data studies in tourism and hospitality literature" by Professor Lv Jiaying as the first author (lecturer Asif Khan as the second author) were accepted and published by the excellent journals of tourism management "Tourism Review" and "Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management", respectively.

The research result "Chinese Small and Micro Enterprises Participating in Scenic Areas to Fight the Epidemic: The Path and Enlightenment of Family Culture" by Lecturer Xu Linqiang as the first author was accepted and published by the excellent journal of tourism management "Journal of Tourism". The research result "Zhejiang City Ecological Niche Scale Effect" by Lecturer Liu Dandan as the first author was accepted and published by Peking University's core journal and domestic excellent academic journal "Journal of Ecology".

The research result "Tourism subindustry level environmental impacts in the US" by Lecturer Asif Khan as the corresponding author was accepted and published by the excellent journal of tourism management "Current Issues in Tourism". The research result "Review of Virtual Tourism Research - Bibliometrics and Content Analysis Based on Scopus Database" by Lecturer Qian Lili served as the corresponding author and Associate Professor Chen Yewei and others was accepted and published by the excellent journal of tourism management "Tourism Science".

Core journal

The research result "A Comparative Analysis of Social Media on Destination Image for Historic Water Town" by Associate Professor Ji Jing as the first author was accepted and published by the core journal "Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism".

In addition, the research result "Risk, Obligation, and Public Noncompliance with Mobility Directives in China during the COVID-19 Pandemic" by Lecturer Qian Lili as the corresponding author was accepted and published by "International Journal of Environmental Research and  Public Health", an international journal in the SSCI's Research Area 1. The two research results "Legal Business Model Digitalization: The Post COVID-19 Legal Industry" and "Public and Professionals' Perceptions of Wrongful Convictions in Pakistan: Scale Development and Validation" by Lecturer Asif Khan as the corresponding author were accepted and published by "SAGE Open" and "Asian Journal of Criminology", international journals in the SSCI's Research Area 2.

The school has established a scientific research team and held academic forums, academic salons and symposiums regularly to strengthen academic exchanges within the school and improve the overall scientific research level this year. In the future, the school will take multiple measures to continue to improve the level of scientific research, and strive to make greater progress in both the quality and quantity of papers!

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