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International Culture and Tourism Graduates | Zhang Qinyuan: “Fire in heart, light in eyes”

Date:2022-09-21 19:47 Read:Bout

Zhang Qinyuan, a top-up student in Class 2001 of Tourism Management, after two years of military life, was successfully admitted to Yangzhou University as a graduate student through the College Student Soldier Program this year. Today, with the number of students participating in the postgraduate entrance examination increasing year by year, when talking about why he chose to take the postgraduate entrance examination, he said, "I think the preparation process of postgraduate entrance examination can improve my ability, better understand and improve myself, and enable me to better plan my future employment plan."

The two-year military life has influenced Zhang Qinyuan greatly. Looking back at that arduous but ardent military life, Zhang Qinyuan still memorizes it with enthusiasm. "I thought about giving up on the way to the postgraduate entrance examination, but every time I think back to those hard but shining days, it always gives me strength to keep me sticking to the end."

Talking about the experience of studying and living in the university for several years, Zhang Qinyuan mentioned, "Teacher Pan Yimei's Foreign Tour Guide and Overseas Tour Escort Course impressed me deeply." The examination method of the course is novel, and the talent show of the mid-term examination and the presentation of the English tour guide at the end of the course not only improved his professional quality, but also exercised his own English expression ability.


In addition to that, Zhang Qinyuan admitted that the lecture and PPT presentation in the course study of tourism management have greatly improved his expression ability; He benefited a lot from the production of resumes in business communication courses and the explanation of personal image requirements in business etiquette. It is through the accumulation from daily study that the ability gained has greatly helped Zhang Qinyuan in the postgraduate entrance re-examination.

"The present scene is shaped by all difficulties and no achievement is made without enduring hardships" When talking about the biggest difficulty encountered in preparing for the exam, he admitted that it was the loneliness. Later, with friends and classmates in the library, Zhang Qinyuan adjusted his own state in the atmosphere of common progress and continued firmly to prepare for the postgraduate entrance examination.

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