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Tribute to the most beautiful volunteers of the School of International Culture and Tourism!

Date:2022-09-21 19:46 Read:Bout

I Volunteer for Epidemic Prevention and Control

Students from the School of International Culture and Tourism rose to the occasion and became volunteers to defend the first line of defense for students.


"Please keep one meter from others."

"Please scan the QR code first, then open the health code."

"Please queue up here as there are fewer people."


The scorching summer didn't weaken the volunteers' enthusiasm for service. They carefully maintained the order of the scene with their isolation suits on, adding the most beautiful colors to the school with their busy figures.

The normal operation of the campus is inseparable from the selfless dedication of volunteers, their willingness to work at the front line and their hard work.

Tribute to the most beautiful volunteers of the School of International Culture and Tourism!


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