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Chen Yewei

Date:2022-09-21 19:44 Read:Bout

Chen Yewei

Associate Professor, PhD

【Communication Time between Teachers and Students】

Friday 9:30-12:00

【Office Address】

Office 215, West Auxiliary Building

【Administrative Position】

 Dean of International Culture and Tourism Department

【Research Direction】

Tourism destination management and digital transformation of tourism enterprises

【Offered Course】

Tourism, Introduction to Leisure, Hotel Catering Management, Digital Scene and Service Design

【Social Part-time Experience】

Supervisor of the Board of Supervisors of Hangzhou Culture and Tourism Talent Association



【Office Tel】


【Educational Background】

September 1996-July 2000, Bachelor of Tourism Management, Zhejiang University

September 2000-February 2003, Master of Tourism Management, Zhejiang University.

September 2005-January 2010, Doctor of Business Administration, Zhejiang Gongshang University

【Work Experience】

March 2003 - now, teacher of the International Culture and Tourism Department, Zhejiang University City College.

March-June 2010, Visiting Scholar, University of Southern Queensland, Australia


Second Prize for Teaching Innovation Competition of Zhejiang University in 2022

【Scientific Research Achievements】

He presided over dozens of scientific research and teaching projects, such as Zhejiang Philosophy and Social Science Project, Zhejiang Education Reform Project, Zhejiang First-class Undergraduate Courses, New Teaching Materials, and Zhejiang University Virtual Simulation Experiment Project, and published many journal papers, textbooks and translations.

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