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Yao Haiqin

Date:2022-09-21 19:44 Read:Bout

Yao Haiqin

Associate Professor, PhD, Master Supervisor

【Communication Time between Teachers and Students】

Tuesday 17:30-20:30

【Office Address】

Office 315, West Auxiliary Building

【Research Direction】

Rural Tourism, Rural Governance, Tourism Entrepreneurship, etc.

【Offered Course】

Tourism Economics, Tourism Reception Industry, Introduction to Research Methods, Tourism Aesthetics



【Office Tel】


【Educational Background】

September 2012-November 2016, Doctor of Management, Zhejiang University

September 2003-March 2006, Master of Management, Zhejiang University

August 1997-June 2001, Bachelor of Linguistics, Xidian University

【Work Experience】

July 2001-August 2003, Teacher of Zhejiang Institute of Communications

April 2006-August 2012, Teacher of Tourism College of Zhejiang China

December 2016-June 2018, Teacher of Tourism College of Zhejiang China

June 2018-February 2022, Teacher of the School of Business, Zhejiang University City College

February 2022-now


In 2020, Outstanding Party Member of Zhejiang University City College

In 2021, Excellent Head Teacher of Zhejiang University City College

【Scientific Research Achievements】

She has been focusing on tourism management and rural tourism economy for a long time

At present, she has presided over more than ten national social science projects.  Her has published scientific research results in academic journals such as Economic Geography, authored one monograph, edited one textbook, and written 3 monographs

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