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He Yalan

Date:2022-09-21 19:44 Read:Bout

He Yalan


【Communication Time between Teachers and Students】

Thursday 13:00-16:00

【Office Address】

Office 221, West Auxiliary Building

【Administrative Position】

Vice Chairman of Trade Union

【Research Direction】

Tourism Enterprise Management, Tourism Destination Management, etc.

【Offered Course】

Business Etiquette and Communication, Hotel Lobby and Housekeeping Management, Hotel Financial Analysis, Digital Culture and Tourism and Public Service

【Social Part-time Experience】

Provincial hotel star reviewers; Director of Hangzhou Culture and Tourism Talent Association



【Office Tel】


【Educational Background】

September 1996-June 2000, Bachelor of Management, Huaqiao University

September 2000-June 2003, Master of Management, Huaqiao University

【Work Experience】

August 2003-now, Teacher in the Department of Tourism Management, Zhejiang University City College


Excellent Practice Instructor, Excellent Head Teacher, Second Prize of Teaching, etc.

【Scientific Research Achievements】

Participated in compiling teaching materials such as Business Communication, Business Etiquette, Principles and Practice of Hotel Management

Presided over and participated in topics such as Research on Hotel Service Evaluation System, Canal Interpreter Competition and Project to Improve the Interpretation Level of Scenic Spots in Hangzhou Gongshu District, Qualitative Research on International Tourist Visits of Hangzhou Social Resources and Sorting Project of Existing Visits, and Research on Development Factors of Leisure City-Taking Hangzhou as an Example;

Published several papers, such as Briefing on Tourism Contract, Analysis on Innovation of International Cooperation Mode, On Procedures and Support System of Hotel Service Remediation, Research on New Marketing Path of Tourism Destination, Briefing on Marketing Strategy of Hotel Business Floor, Construction of Tourism Format of Zhejiang Characteristic Towns under the Background of Global Tourism.

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