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Liu Dandan

Date:2022-09-21 19:44 Read:Bout

Liu Dandan


【Communication Time between Teachers and Students】

Tuesday 13:00-16:00

【Office Address】

Office 221, West Auxiliary Building

【Administrative Position】

【Research Direction】

Tourism, Low-carbon Tourism, Sustainable Development

【Offered Course】

Tourism Resources, Tourism Consumer Behavior, Introduction to Tourism, Digital Transformation of Rural Scenes.

【Social Part-time Experience】



【Office Tel】


【Educational Background】

September 2016-June 2021, PhD of Management, Huaqiao University

September 2012-June 2016, Bachelor of Management, Sichuan Normal University

【Work Experience】

December 2021-now, Teacher of the School of International Culture and Tourism, Zhejiang University City College

February 2019-February 2020, joint PhD Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences


In 2020, Collective Pacesetter for the 17th Fujian Youth May 4th Medal

【Scientific Research Achievements】

She has participated in dozens of projects such as major projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology, humanities and social science projects of the Ministry of Education, and philosophy and society projects of Fujian Province

Her scientific research results have been published in important academic journals such as Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Ecological Indicators, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Acta Ecologica Sinica, Mountain Research and Journal of Natural Resources.

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