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Fang Fang

Date:2022-09-21 19:44 Read:Bout

Fang Fang

Assistant Researcher, PhD

【Office Address】

Office 307, West Auxiliary Building

【Research Direction】

Leisure, Tourism Philosophy

【Offered Course】

Introduction to Leisure, Tourism Philosophy



【Office Tel】


【Educational Background】

September 2015-July 2020, PhD of Philosophy, Zhejiang University;

September 2017-September 2018, PhD of Joint Training of the University of California, Berkeley

【Work Experience】

September 2020-September 2022, Postdoctoral Fellow, Research Center of Phenomenology and Ideology, Zhejiang University

【Scientific Research Achievements】

Scientific research results are published in such academic journals as Tourism Tribune, Journal of Zhejiang University, Journal of Guangxi Minzu University, Review of Chinese Phenomenology and Philosophy, Journal of Guangxi University, etc.

Monograph: Between Imagination and Memory: A Phenomenology of Tourism

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